Due to the effect of COVID-19 cases on the rise in the South Africa, there is need for Higher Education to actively look at implementing inclusive remote learning environment during the lock-down, with emphasis on inclusive. That means that all learners, from all kinds of backgrounds and locations have access to same quality of education. There has been measures put in place to allow learners to learn from their homes, however, this has proven to not be as easy as simply being available to teach and learn from different geographic locations. Already the education system has proven to not be equally distributed pre-pandemic when all was normal, it would likely be a challenge still even with remote learning if not well managed.
The challenge that has been around for a long time is to ensure that learners can continue to learn away from the controlled classroom environment. What that means primarily, is continued access to digital learning material, access to other knowledgeable others apart from the educator, virtual peer interaction and so on. For this to be possible it means that educators and learners need to have unrestricted access to digital devices and consequently digital learning platforms.
The implication of these requirements are dire for educators and learners who find themselves in disadvantaged circumstances. This is due to infrastructure that is not up to standard to fully support remote learning or where the socio-economic scene cannot afford learners and educators necessary resources. This is a challenge that can only be overcome by directing much needed funding to infrastructure development and prioritising resource allocation to educators and learners in these areas.
Meanwhile, to ensure that learners in resource constrained areas can still have access to 21st century learning, educator training institutions through professional development should ensure that educators are fully trained and equipped to continue to facilitate technology enhanced teaching for 21st century learning outcomes. Educators need to be able to use the available limited technologies to ensure that learning outcomes are aligned with modern day demands. This therefore requires:
i. the educator to be aware of teaching methods that will maximise learner experience, for example collaborations which will allow for sharing of whatever resources are available
ii. the educator to be able to use the limited technology learners have access to rather that resorting to traditional means of learning, most learners will have access to a mobile, this can be used to create online chats that allow peer interaction, give access to numerous online to resources. The benefit is that learners can develop some kind of autonomy when they are able to go online and pursue knowledge acquisition with limited guidance from the educator.
Limited resources are a real challenge, however, it cannot be an excuse to revert back to traditional means of learning or compromise of the quality of learning outcomes. Educators require proper technology knowledge, and the guidance of learner centered teaching methods to ensure 21st century learning outcomes even in resource constrained areas.